The Primate refused to specifically answer any of Bill's questions.
As Head of the Anglican Church of Canada, directly responsible or not, one would think the Primate would demand to see Bockus' file containing Bishop Kenneth Maguire's notes.
Is he not directly interested in getting to the bottom of such a horrible accusation against the Church he leads? I would be. I would want that file and its notes!
Those notes would state, or should state why Bockus was relieved of his pastoral duties at St Paul's in Greenfield Park, Quebec. (Along with why he was relieved of his duties in seven other parishes!)
If they did, it would prove the case: not something difficult to do after 50 years, as the Primate states.
If Maguire did not, the Anglican Church was covering up a priest's pedophile activity.
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Here are the questions Bill asked the Primate to answer:
"Since your Church has destroyed my life, as Head of this body, please finally accept the responsibility, for I deserve answers to the following questions as part of my recovery process:
1. We have been advised by the Rev. Linda Faith-Chalk of St. Paul’s in Greenfield park, Quebec, (where my life was destroyed by your Church), that counseling is available. What exactly, in your own words, does this offer entail?
2 Further, since I have no faith in The Anglican Church of Canada, especially after ignoring me for almost half a century despite being the victim who complained, forcing Bockus’ removal from our Church, will you arrange and pay for outside professional care of my own choosing, for as long as it is professionally deemed required?
4. Bockus sexually abused me and many others at St. Paul’s Anglican Church in my home town of Greenfield Park, Quebec, his sixth parish posting. Bishop Maguire relieved him from this posting. Why was Bockus moved to more parishes when he was a known pedophile?
5. Did the Anglican Church of Canada know he was a pedophile when he was moved to our parish of St. Paul’s?
6. Why did the Church bestow the honourary title of Canon on a known pedophile, or did the Church hide the truth from his new Diocese?
7. Can this title be removed posthumously to satisfy the Victims, and hopefully of course, yourself?
8. Where is Bockus’ file?
9. Can I see Bockus’ file?
10. Since the Anglican Church of Canada, and yourself as Primate, have known for years that there are Victims in need of professional help, why has there not been a concerted effort to find me and the others through the media?"