The webmasters of this up and up Web site take absolute zero responsibility for the apparent "GPK Sign Phantom's" "Pre-approved Removal" on Friday, November 24, 2006!
Perhaps the Town should enact sign name change legislation soonest, so that poor street can have signs!
We wish to thank Normand "Spanner" Simard milles fois, who just happened to be in the immediate area with his camera!
Formidable Normand!
(Hey Spanner! Did someone see the signs in the garbage can and beat the tar out of it too????)
Dear Phantom(e),
It was with delight that I saw what surely will be referred to as the "Miracle on 'BOGUS' Street" on MOE'S DREAM today.
Whoever that masked man (or woman) was deserves a hearty pat on the back from all of Moe's friends and supporters.
Ken C.
Good on you Normand!! How did you do it?
Tell you the truth I am so curious, just what DID you do??
Sue LP
Sue, the Crawley's were the first to figure it out:
Dear Mike and Phantom N.S.,
OK, ya got me!
Man do I feel foolish!
Georgia and I walked down to 'BOGUS' street this a.m. to see the vacant spaces where that black priest's name had been displayed only to find that the signs are still on display, in all their infamy.
Then I figured it out, the Phantom got hold of the old street signs and pulled the wools over our eyes.
I would like to recommend that one of the signs be packaged and sent to the Most Reverend Andrew Hutchison as a reminder of the 'hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil' stance that the Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada has taken in propagating this travesty of both truth and justice along with a letter stating our disappointment at his 'blind-eyed' stance'.
Ken C.
With the Christmas Season fast approaching, we cannot locate any copies of the famous cookie book, written by our own Ken Crawley.
I think he should reprint another 10,000 copies as it would make wonderful gifts for this Christmas.
The delay is short, but it could be "The Miracle of Fairfield Street", using the Phantom of Greenfield Park to assist with the rush order.
Normand "Spanner" Simard
After almost losing my cookies after being duped by the Phantom and the Spirit of Niagara, I'll do my best to see if I can get enough egg off of my face to put in a new recipe book.
Remember, he who eats last, eats best ..... or something like that ....
The Cookie Crumb of Fairfield
To those wondering where the hey this post has gone, it is a joke among friends of Greenfield Park, Quebec. (please put up with this tangent!)
On our "Roots GPK" blog last year there was some leg pulling with Ken Crawley, to the point a cookie book by him magically appeared.
I had forgotton about it, but our good old mind-like-a-steel-trap Spanner Norm has a memory sharper than Doc Mile's wit.
Going back to the library images on disc, lo and behold, there was the very first copy of Ken's book!
Praise be! It is good to see many of you smiling, despite the zero help this week from our Church's Toronto Head Office.
Merry Christmas!
( ... but let's not burn out the Phantom!)

The Cookie Crumb of Fairfield
I have to get back to my stove, but just to let you know I got a copy of Ken Crawley’s book this morning at Steinberg’s on Tashereau Boulevard.
It cost me nothing because I I redeemed my Pinky Stamps, Sam Steinberg told me my stamps were a collectible dating back to 1964, the year the pedophile was rushed out of Greenfield Park by the back door.
The Hubert Spanner
Word is just in that my Cookie Recipe re-print has just gone Platinum.
The A&P, Arrow Taxi, Kenny Wong's, Miracle Mart, Goineau-Bousquet, even the Garden B-B-Q in St. Lambert, Castonguay's Bicycle Shop, Jean-Guy Laplante's Petro-Fina Service Station, Buster Tombs Esso, Chambly Transport, Fontaine Bleu, Lapiniere Hotel and La Source in Laprairie have sold out completely. I think it was the Beau-Marks recording of my theme song "If you don't like my cookies, try my nuts”, that did it.
Thanks to the Phantom and the Spirit of Niagara for their efforts and kind support in making this book a total success. Your royalty cheques are in the mail. (snicker)
Wow! I'm rich and now I am retiring to my cozy abode on Fairfield.
The Cookie Crumb from Fairfield