In the first, David wrote to me saying he escaped the abuse. (It turns out he did get fondled once, so yes, he was victimized.)
But I really wanted to see a Statement from him. How did he escape the clutches of the pervert? That is EXACTLY what we have to teach our kids in order to childproof them! How to say, "NO!".
The third E-mail is David's reply: an incredible example for kids to see: rebuke ANYONE, family, authority, teachers ... ANYONE who tries to touch you and report it immediately to your parents.
Why will this make you sick? Bockus told David he would not be confirmed unless he had sex with him! And more .....
Monday, November 6, 2006
I guess you could say that I might have been one of his victims, or at least he tried.
Let me know if you want to hear the story.
Dave Houle
Wednesday, November 8, 2006
YES!! Your imput matters.
Realize how many people are going to be looking at our case. YOU avoided the pedophile while dozens of others did not, so YOU have maybe one of the most important lessons to teach while people are listening and talking to their kids.
Please take some time and write from your heart David.
YOU, maybe more than anyone, could save a child from this now .....
This is cruel stuff and made me furious again, for the umpteenth time. This was to a KID!!!!
I had to go for a walk after opening it to settle down.
Wednesday, November 9, 2006
I was told by the Rev. Bockus that in order to be confirmed I was going to have to have private tudoring.
I was taking confirmation classes with other people, but unless I took the private lessons, (as I was not doing well enough in the class), I would not be able to get confirmed, and that my parents would be ashamed of me.
On the first evening of the first lesson, he sat beside me and put the book on my lap and was reading from it. (I presumed)
All seemed innocent to me at the time.
On the following lesson, he sat beside me and put the same book on my lap as before, but this time proceeded slowly to feel my genitals.
It was at this point that I got up and said that I did not think that it was an appropriate thing to do, and that I would not be back for any more lessons. He was quite speechless and exclaimed that there was nothing to worry about, and that I was imagining things.
I was nevertheless, confirmed anyways, and the whole thing was never thought of again.
I knew that Bill and many more of my friends had encounters with him, but never realized to what extent. I think that I may have been one of the lucky ones.
And that shows you how manipulative a pedophile can be!
What David does not know about his account is that other Victims have recounted THE SAME MODUS OPERANDI by Bockus.
David's account describes to a "T" the exact same book in the lap, then stroking the privates.
Sadly, for many of GPK's children, the sexual encounters went FAR BEYOND this initial touch.
Imagine trying to instill "the shame of not being confirmed" to take a child's innocence!!!!!!
I wish a million times over that this account is shown to kids to proof them from today's perverts.