November 8, 2006
GPKers Fantastic work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are all terrific.
Now the healing will begin ......................
The admissions alone will relieve so much pain and anguish with these victims .... just for them to know that they are not alone ... someone else to talk to ... the biggest thing is knowing that they are NOT the guilty ones ...
Nothing for them to be ashamed of.
They did what they were told to DO .... and back then .... WE ALL sure did what we were told to do ... or else !!!
No one will yell at them now. No one now will say that they are not telling the truth.
By letting go and sorting out all this built up anger, pain, confusion, regret and on, they can begin to forgive and people can now begin to let go of grudges, and as you say, get professional help ... to finally understandd and deal with the situation.
I have prayed for this moment for years, but I could not take one step in front of Bill. He had to lead the way.
Tears came to my eyes, when I read his story on the web site. I was shaking with pain for him. All these years, having to deal with this alone. Its just not a subject that one can speak of, to even the closed person in one's life.
The biggest thing I keep repeating to my Husband is YOU ARE THE INNOCENT ONE. You have nothing to fear. You did nothing wrong.
For years he used to say ... I am a bad person ... I would repeat ... NO YOU are not ... you are wondeful and I love you. You are in pain and agony .... talk if you can .. way down deep inside, is a very deep dark secret and it continually eats away at you little by little like an ulcer.
BUT NO more ... now the onion will be peeled away layer by layer ... you WILL feel better !!!
I commend you all to the highest degree ... you were able to help bring Bill (and now many others) to the point where he can talk openly and along with my support, my husband will heal and we will be on a different level in reguards to our own relationship..!!!!!
Thank you all from the bottom of my HEART ...
Bill will heal.
Judy Knight