My sister Wendy just pointed me to your blog and I would like to add a comment.
Unfortunately Greenfield Park was just a cross section of our imperfect society. There were abuses carried out by adults in our town while we grew up, abuses that we hid because of the type of society it was in the 50’s and 60’s. I dealt with at least 3 sexually abusive individuals, adults in trusted positions from school and church, however for me to bring these out now does not give me any closure or satisfaction other than recognizing that they did exist, they did happen and we had no where to go. At least today most kids will come out and be believed. This is not a criticism of those who have identified individuals, just my personal way of dealing with my situation.
I saw Heather’s writing about her brother Alan James, a friend, who I still miss very much. Alan, although he was here only for a short time, passed along so many of his skills to so many young people. Was he abused? I don’t know. Even in the many days we spent together hiking and biking through our late teen and twenties it was not something either of us would have confided about with each other. We confided so much else but abuse was not something either of us could have discussed with each other.
I guess what I hope is that what we have learned from our own experiences, is to teach our kids and grandkids to always question, especially adults in trusted positions and to never be afraid to talk us as parents and grand parents about anything so hopefully the same things do not happen to them.
I think what is really important is that Greenfield Park was full of adults who cared and made a difference in my life especially at Royal George and in sports. I’d like to thank those individuals who spent so much of their personal time helping all of us. These were the people who made a difference in my life. The others I have managed to put behind me. Greenfield Park was not the perfect town, but I don’t know of any perfect place then or now.
David Bell
Originally from 242 Maple Ave., Greenfield Park
Now from Winnipeg
Thanks for your excellent letter David. And yes, there are perverts EVERYWHERE!
I do hope this does kick off more discussion.
I am not a professional by any stretch, but I have found both from personal experience and observing others that every human is unique, there being a broad scale of tolerance levels for sexual and other abuses.
Having spoken to many Bockus Victims so far, that particular scale has ranged from being able to easily forget his advances, (or so they claim), to total personal devastation up to 2006.
Therapy-wise, look at Bill's case. NOTHING really helped umtil he could openly vocalize the abuse. Evidently, for some, this openess works!
Additionally, there obviously is a wide range of opinion on how these abuses should be dealt with, in this case from I am doing a good thing to I should be in leg irons.
Obviously, I believe there should be no statutes on sexual abuse.
Readers, what do YOU think. Let's have more opinions!
Please send any replies to this, or a letter-discussion of your own, to the address on the banner.
Having had a previous bad experience with a Forum on the GPK blog, I deem censorship is warranted, not from strong opinion, (I can handle being told I need therapy and irons), but from the garbage that gets posted, usually by strangers, especially considering many minors may read, and hopefully gain much insight from our exchanges.