Met a very nice, spiritual couple today. Chat came around to this web site.
Suddenly, she stated frankly that she had been sexually abused by her father.
My instant reply, "Then this is not your first relationship".
In a surprised, how-on-earth-did-you-know-that look she said, "No, it is my third."
Do any of you watch Criminal Minds? At that moment, I felt like Gideon ... or one of his profiling staff!
Now think about it. The American divorce rate has been announced at about 40%, I believe. What is the cost emotionally and financially to our society?
How many of these breakups were directly the cause of childhood abuse?
How much has the ignoring, (read sweeping under the rug like our GPK cases), of counselling of our abused children cost?
So the question, or food for thought for today is, looking at the Big Picture, "Not just for the sake of protecting our children, but also to safeguard our economy, how big a crackdown on abuse do we need?"
Send in YOUR opinion! Am I right or all wet?