His shortened bio, condensed and courtesy of station CJBK 1290:
"Andy Oudman is London's best known newsman and the city's most experienced and popular radio newscaster. He has worked on CJBK and 97.5 London's EZ Rock for a total of over 30 years. Andy's day begins at 3 am as he begins preparing for the morning news run on Standard Radio's FM sister station, 97.5 London's EZ Rock before walking thirty feet down the hall to host Newstalk 1290 Today on CJBK each morning beginning at 9am. Andy is a graduate of Western, where he graduated in 1973, and Fanshawe College's School of Broadcast Journalism where he graduated in 1975, the year he began doing afternoon newscasts on CJBK. Andy is incurably curious ( even nosey ) about life, about people and events and loves to share with his listeners his fascination with all three."
courtesy radio station CJBK 1290, London Ontario
Denise's E-mail:
Dear Andy,
I am listening to your show right now. Please check this website www.gpkvictims.blogspot.com about my Anglican priest who abused at least 26+ boys in the 50s - 60s in Greenfield Park, Montreal, Quebec.
This has all been coming out over the last 3 years.
The abuse has helped to ruin their lives.
One victim has written the Anglican Church of Canada for help. His letter is on the site.
I hope you have time to read it for it is HEARTBREAKING. This priest is dead now so he can not pay for his crimes.
Keep up your good work on the show. I love listening to it.
Denise Houle Evola
Andy Oudman's Reply:
Hi Denise:
Thank you so much for your note. I have gone to the website you’ve suggested. Very painful. Horrendous actually. Just as all these stories are.
They always seem long-gone and far away and we quickly move on to other issues in our lives….. The fact is, the cases are horribly real and here in London, very close to this city with victims all around us living out the nightmare every day.
It really makes you wonder, what do we have to do to put a stop to all the pain.
Thanks for bringing attention to the media Denise.
Thanks for responding to our personal cases Mr. Oudman.
Mr. Ousman raised a great question for discussion.
These were your own family and GPK neighbours, classmates, teammates and friends, still hurting after five decades!
And it still goes on today!
What DO we have to do to stop the pain?
Does anyone have suggestions?
Please send them to GPKVictims@hotmail.com
We'll post your replies under:
Please take the time to put your thoughts on paper. Seeing your involvement is all part of the healing for the Victims, seeing that you care!
I sent a letter of thanks to Mr. Oudman for tackling the problem on the radio. It was kind of him to take time out of what must be a very busy schedule to consider our Victims' plight.
November 14, 2006
Dear Mr. Oudman,
Thank you so very much for responding to Denise (Houle) Evola, sister to one of our Town's Victims in the 1950s - 1960s.
So much can go into the healing process, including knowing others care; seeing it in print. Therefore, in that regard, we took the liberty of uploading your exchange with Ms. Evola.
Have I seen abuse! I relocated to the Niagara, very near the Bernardo fiasco, an area that will not recover for decades as local parents here are still so strict and diligent with their childrens' freedom.
You raised the question about what can we do, which we have put out to our readers. For a start, too many pedophiles spend too little time in jail. Personally, and not an opinion obviously equally shared by our justice system, I believe they should be considered habitual offenders; throw away the key.
The question you raised has been thrown open for responses. Hope some come in.
Good job and please keep talking about child abuse until our lawmakers listen, reacting with more appropriate legislation to protect our children!
Michael T. Rilstone
Please consider that angle. Do pedophiles deserve a place in our society at all? They prove they cannot mix in it without molesting our children repeatedly, yet they are paroled over and over again! Where would we be if all men took out their sexual urges on others against their will?