How widespread is sexual abuse at any age? Why? Are Victims still too afraid to come forward? Are pedophiles and rapists roaming among us, uncorrected after detention? Should the laws be reviewed and stiffened? Is it so common and widespread, the media has tuned out?
So, have we talked about perverts so much in the past that we, as a society, have become immunized to the problem, meaning: Are we opening the doors wider for sexual predators to prey on our next generation of innocent children?
Would EVERY visitor to this site PLEASE answer Poll #4 on the right hand side by clicking on YES or NO. If it was when you were a child or adult, a priest or date rape, doesn’t matter. You have been sexually molested, so please answer affirmatively.
Is this a pandemic in our society? YES or NO?
The growing result may not be perfectly accurate, but it just may be one the media and our elected politicians should soon pay serious attention to …..