
Horrible, Horrible, Horrible!!! Greenfield Park, Quebec STILL Slapping Victims' Faces!!

This is the TRUE and sickening story that started our quest to help Victims of priest rape.
Half a century ago Father Walter Bockus of St. Paul's Church, Greenfield Park, Quebec was raping and sodomizing the Town's children.
The Mayor at the time knew. He did nothing! Why?
The Police Chief knew. He did nothing! Why? (In fact, the Chief squashed an attempted investigation by the Town's Detective Jeary, who was soon killed in a bank shoot out. Coincidence?)
It gets worse ... one of the Town's General Practitioners knew this sordid Priest had raped the Town's children and DID NOTHING!!! It is called "professional ethics", because this doctor was also the priest's doctor. We call it swwep it under the rug ethics.
The Town's biggest "keeper of the children" was involved. The Principal of the school was a "good friend" of this Priest. They shared side by side country homes, inviting children for stays away! The Principal was forever inviting the Priest over to the school. Why? We are getting sickening testimonies as to why. Sick. Sick. Sick.
We have testimonies that some of the teachers were also molesting the Town's children.
We have suicides as part of the fallout.
So many in a position of responsibility, law enforcement, Mayor, Principal, Doctor and more knew the Town's children were being raped and DID NOTHING TO HELP THEM!!!!
Bockus, probably the worst pervert of the Town's many pedophiles, was quietly moved by the Anglican Church of Canada to St. Johns, New Brunswick: to a new parish, new home and new salary!
All the while, the Town's suffering children did not receive an iota of help from the Anglican Church of Canada!
The Anglican Church helped their own with the bucks, but not their parish children!!!!!
Talk about the corruption of organized religion: the Anglican Church of Canada takes the cake!
In fact, evidence to this corruption still exists and the primate of Canada and the Bishop of Montreal REFUSE to examine it!!! The Anglican Church of Canada is still corrupt to its core, refusing to accept responsibility, even after 50 years!!!
It got worse ... the Church subsequently honoured Bockus with the esteemed title, "Canon"; evidently they were proud of his decades of buggering little children in his parishes.
The Victims have suffered 50 years of anguish, yet the Town STILL honours one of its biggest pedophiles in its history by maintaining this street named for a horrible sexual predator!!!!! What are they thinking????
We are slowly getting to the Truth Folks. The children knew the Truth and they are starting to talk .....
Our Town has a Superhero!
Our web site received this E-mail from The Phantom of Greenfield Park, ready to do the rightful deed. His shadow was caught on film on Monday, January 1st, 2007, presumably sizing up the tool(s) required.
He wrote:
January 1, 2007
My pliers are ready to do the job in 2007.
The Phantom of Greenfield Park