Check this one out. It is a REAL CASE. Just this past weekend!
Say your 14 year old son was to go door to door, preaching with this man. Would you have second thoughts letting him go out to do God's work with this very clean cut man? His name is Cary Verse, a Pastor.

They found an innocent 14 year old boy in his car. By routinely running Verse's name, they probably saved that boy a life of emotional hell.
Let's say it was your 19 year old daughter and Verse, in his twenties, was coming by to take her to the movies.
Just as the police did last Saturday in their cruiser, run the last name "Verse" in the registry above ... his last name is all you need in this case!
In less than sixty seconds the boy's parents could not only have stopped their son from this exposure, but could also have forewarned the police. Or as we supposed in another example, saved their daughter from going out with this fiend.
When you see what comes up, ask yourselves, "Is Canada doing enough".
Why don't we have a registry like this allowing parents to check on any boyfriend, priest, teacher, principal or adult of any kind getting near their children. Agreed, it may not be failsafe, but what a great start!
In our country, who needs the protection: the 'Verses' or our kids?
Canada protects pedophiles, not its children. I'll debate that all night long with anyone.