From Wayne's words, other Victims should take to heart the depth, how much and how sincerely the community is behind each and every one of you in support!
November 8, 2006
After spending many hours reading the recent publications on the blog, I went back in my email files tonight to find the email you sent back in August.
While I read the email again, the comment "I guess Bockus was fairly common knowledge but I'd only heard rumours about RGHS principal" never registered when I first read it.
Bill, you have taken a step in bringing the truth to the forefront that most would not have had the courage to do so. I must say I was shocked, felt your hurt and only wish that we could roll back the clock many years and being so close as we grew up, I could have done something to support you at the time. I guess I was naive since I had never heard anything about Bockus or even the principal prior to the recent notes on the Blog.
As years have past and while we are not in contact on a regular basis, I have always sincerely felt that we have always been close and would be there for each other in case of need. I commend you and believe that even I have gained a greater insight of "my friend" Bill Knight in but a few days.
Bill, I hope you know that if there is something I can do, lend an ear, or share the grief in any way I am but a phone call away.
It is late and somewhat at a loss for words but wanted to send off this note and be sure, I hope we can be in touch in the near future.
You are one hell of a man!!