Ms. Jo Mutch,
Executive Assistant to the Primate,
Primate's Office,
The Anglican Church of Canada
80 Hayden Street
Toronto, Ontario, M4Y 3G2
Via E-mail
Dear Ms. Mutch,
Thank you kindly for your E-mail address.
My friend and classmate from the 1960s, Bill Knight, has expressed his concern to me that the Archbishop has not received his Open Letter, sent on Remembrance Day, as posted on our web site, the site created to assist abusees of Anglican priests:
Let's be doubly sure the Primate has received it, for I am sure you share my view, which is one of our ultimate mandates, that something must be done soonest to help dozens, probably hundreds of Victims of Anglican priest abuse, plus their families, across our Nation.
The letter is posted on the site. It can be easily found via the quick navigation link found on the right hand side: “CLICK HERE” under the heading, “Direct Navigation to Bill Knight's Open Letter to Most Reverend Andrew Hutchison, Anglican Church”.
Bill has suffered enough, as have an untold number of Victims. For example, Bill has lived all his life knowing his Mother committed suicide as a direct result of the abuse he was forced to endure by a pedophile Anglican priest.
The Anglican Church chose to let Bill and the others drift off for life without immediate counseling, yet transferred and harboured this perverted priest in the sanctuary of yet another Diocese, in another Province, to do what to more innocent Children?
Please confirm to us as soon as the Primate has received Bill Knight’s letter. We will forward your acknowledgment to him.
Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter.
Most sincerely,
Michael T. Rilstone
Our Reply
November 15, 2006
The Venerable A. Paul Feheley
Principal Secretary to the Primate
The Anglican Church of Canada
80 Hayden Street
Toronto, Ontario Canada
M4Y 3G2
Dear Mr. Feheley,
Thank you so very much for such a prompt reply.
Bill Knight’s official communication was via E-mail on Remembrance Day to the Primate’s E-mail address, as provided on the Anglican Church’s web site. We copied his CC for the web site.
Bill has been informed that a signed one is required. We are certain one will be on its way posthaste.
Victims are understandably 100% wary after having been ignored for half a century by the Anglican Church of Canada.
The blog site is completely transparent for all concerned. It is also a vehicle that will reach any Victim(s) in hiding. There is at least one recluse, so we are confident that Victim will watch the site for developments and possible encouragement from the Church, if it is forthcoming after all these decades of no communication. Hopefully that Victim will see hope from the Primate and commence the counseling that should have commenced almost 50 years ago.
May we all correct the horrible wrongs as much as possible, bringing peace and grace to all Victims of priest abuse! It will be mammoth undertaking for all concerned.
Most sincerely,
Michael T. Rilstone
Note from Bill
November 15, 2006
Mike, the letters are mailed to both the Primate and Rev. Barry B.Clarke in Montreal.