
After Continuing Fiascos Such as This and Our Famous Holmolka Release, Why Would Victims Even Go to Court?

The Canadian Justice System is a shambles, from the police up to judges.
For example, read about the Niagara Regional Police Force in any book on the Bernardo case. They called themselves the "Green Ribbon Task Force". Their poor investigating allowed Karla Holmolka, proven killer of young girls including her own sister, to be free among us. Experts say it is only a matter of time before she strikes again!
What about judges?
Check out Winnipeg's Justice Gerald Jewers in a case reported today.
Video Link
On this video the news reporter said the Crown Prosecuter had proved her case.
In the written press version, Jewers, "argued the couple had not had any serious prior convictions. Jewers also said not all of the counts could be proven to his satisfaction."
Press Link

That is a PERFECT example of why we had inserted Poll #3 on this site.
It is our belief that our Canadian justice system does not protect our children.
The Canadian justice system protects our pedophiles!
Why should 'priors' influence a reduction in sentencing pedophiles!
Who is deceitful here, the press reporter or the judge? The reporter said the case was proved, the judge said it was not.
Victims are already embarrassed and full of shame. Why do our children even want to testify in public when they know pedophiles will probably walk, or serve a minimum of time in our system, like the perfect example above? What's the use?