"What's It To You Mike?", is a very common phrase I'm hearing these days, in some form or another.
From hate mail to the simple question above, many are wondering variably what the hey I'm doing. Why is the sexual abuse of others my business? Why not let the fiftyish year old cases in GPK stay under the rug where they were swept? And as many of you have read on here, I should even be in leg irons for what I'm doing.
Some days I look around at the human race and really, really frikkin' wonder .....
Anyway, a couple of weeks ago I found a dove hobbling across the grass beside our house, its right wing hanging awkwardly to one side.
How many times as kids, when we were out and about in nature all day long, (the days before video games!), did we find like injured animals, bring them home to care for, in the hope we could nurse them until they could fend for themselves once more in the cruel world? From turtles to crows, our family went through the gamut of injured animals.
Mom was always receptive to our innate desire to help nurse the injured. I think that is how one of our cats, Rudy, became part of our home ... Mom found him in the schoolyard at William Latter where she was teaching and home he came .... forever.
Of course, kids are not vets, so in fact it was our duty to provide safe haven until the real specialist, God in these cases, had done His work.
Something amazing happened to me when I was in my mid-twenties. If it happened to everyone be sure there would be no wars. I became a member of a service club.
Before long, through service, I was experiencing the same innate desire to care for my fellow man, but this time on a huge scale in our 500 member club. A lesson learned at this broad level was to enlist as many as possible so that, through sharing, more could be done in many of the cases.
When in service, one does not have to know someone to help them: it is usually strangers.
One day, if I am in need, I hope a stranger who has the ability to help in whatever needy situation I am in, will stop and put me back on my feet.
Three years ago I found first one, then 2, 3, 4 .... a dozen, then dozens of people needing assistance. They thought they were the only ones when in fact, as I came to find out, there are MILLIONS of people living with guilt and shame from sexual abuse, and every one can be helped, if only they saw a helping hand reach in from the light, just to start them on a road to recovery.
I am not a doctor. I am just someone with a hand, a helping hand God taught innately to reach out and help, a simple ability honed first by Mom allowing a menagerie into the home, then by wonderful, older and wiser members in my service club.
Mom is gone. I am no longer a member of a service club. But their imprint was permanent. We can all help. Even if it is just sending a note of kind understanding to a Victim.
You have a hand. Start reaching out!
How hurt are these Victims of child abuse?
Here's a LINK detailing the injuries that can result.
People, good grief, please stop asking why I am helping!
We are supposed to.
Roll up your sleeves and help them too!
And then help the whole new set of kids always coming up and always at risk: through a prevention program in the work's, "Moe's Dream", I KNOW we can keep many safe from harm's way.
How many hands can I count on?