(Some might consider the steady flow of "differences of opinions" I have received over the last three years as hate mail. Whatever, each time one comes in I get very suspicious. Why am I hitting these nerves?)
A letter was circulated to our general mail box detailing the rapid changes in the case over the last few days.
This is one reply which disagreed with our work.
November 6, 2006
I was a close friend of the Bockus family and spent many happy hours in their home. Cathy was my best friend.
These are vicous accusations.
I think it's disgusting that you are spreading such trash.
Please do not e-mail me again.
Pauline Marsden
(RGHS Class of '67)
Naturally, I had to reply, figuring Pauline was not aware of the truth.
As requested, I will take you off my E-mail list.
You might have been more in tune if you had been a little boy visiting the rectory.
Perhaps before accusing others of spreading trash in the future, you should contact your old friend Cathy! I am sure she is wayyyyy past the denial stage now, as is the Anglican Church of Canada.
I am blindcopying your E to victims, family members, friends and GPKers now in the know. I hope they write you and copy me on their replies to you! I have had a steady diet of vicious hate E-mail while trying to right the wrong to former friends. Yours is the straw.
Rev Chalk's contact info. was added
This was Pauline's next reply
I would suggest that you see a counselor.
All you are doing is hurting a lovely family.
Even if it were true, Rev. Bockus is dead, and all this is going to do is hurt his children and grand children.
It is one of the most hurtful things I can think of to post such stuff.
If you have this on your blog you should be put in irons.
Evidently, any chance of a dialogue between us was impossible, so I appealed to others to help Pauline understand the enormity of Bockus' sexual abuse, that although he is dead, his legacy is very alive, still destoying an undeterminable number of lives across Canada.
This excellent E-mail was sent to Pauline.
November 6, 2006
Dear Pauline........
Unfortunately we don't know each other, or at least I don't think we do (I'm in my mid-sixties) a little bit older than you & Mike, I would imagine that by now you have had some feedback concerning your e-mail to Mike about "Father B" which was the common name used "way back when" if I remember correctly. I personally did not come from a religious background (which, when I think about it, may have been my good fortune as it kept me separated from all the goings on!!)
My upbringing may have lacked religion, however it did not lack morals, integrity and love and support of my fellow man.
Now, growing up in the "park" there were constant rumours and gossip about a certain minister and a certain school principal which I put down to exactly that, only gossip, however when I was told by close friends, that I trusted, that I had better stay clear of these individuals because these close friends personally had had narrow escapes from this so called man of God and the so called educator of children, it was then that I started to believe that what we were hearing was in fact true.!!
Presently we are hearing that the "Church" itself is admitting that terrible wrongs have been committed and are now prepared to try and correct these wrongs by firstly admitting that they did indeed happen.
You know, there is an old saying ....There is none so blind as those who will not see, ......I certainly hope this does not apply to you because if you do not allow your eyes to be opened then you are doing a terrible injustice to all the innocent victims of these two infamous, vile, evil predators !!
Perhaps instead of shutting these matters out of your life, you should seek to find the truth.....and discover a few of lifes' lessons along the way!!
Wishing only good things for you and your loved ones.!!
Winston (Win) Swinwood
P.S. - I for one will be pleased when those street signs come down!!
Win received this reply, so please, it is deemed any further dialogue with Pauline should be mutually and respectfully terminated.
One postscript as of late evening Nov 6: Bill Knight, Bockus Victim, has also been added to Pauline's spam list.
Winstons comment was eloquent and to the point—get over the denial--- this really did happen.
~ Bill Knight