
Our 'In Box' Has Some Great Responses Today!!!

Very interesting that today’s post mentions not to report abuse to the church for the exact reasons we’re finding out about—the church is most likely to move the accused abusers and destroy evidence!! Imagine that!
~ Bill Knight, December 14, 2006

Bill Knight, who has provided so much energy to this site, was the first Victim to come out publicly against Bockus, a pedophile priest the Anglican Church of Canada moved from parish to parish over many decades.
No one knows how many Bockus Victims are out there ... we estimate it is a very substantial number .... Moe was hoping to see them receive counseling, if they desired it ... funded by the Church ... and so we battle on!

From : Win Swinwood
Sent : December 14, 2006
To : Mike Rilstone
Subject : The inner walls of the church

Mike, I believe most of your blog readers were and are aware of some misgivings going on in all churches regardless of denomination, however it is the extent of this depravity that is shocking and faith shaking!!

Although I personally have always been a church absentee except for the occasional wedding or funeral, I was under the impression that folks went to church because they felt it to be a place of healing, of hope, of inner peace and left with a good feeling of themselves and for their fellow human beings.

I guess the question I am pondering is:

Is the House of God a place for praying or for preying??

The individuals who took advantage of their position of authority are truly repugnant and should, in each instance, be called to task for what they perpetrated on these innocent souls. There is however an equally evil entity involved in this hideous abortion of human condition and that is the church authority, the teaching authority, the boy scout authority, the sports coaching authority, the camp counsular authority and so on and so on, that knew (were made aware of) and instead of doing what was right and just, took it upon themselves to cover up the actions of these perverts and ship them on to greener pastures ....

How can they possibly justify this dogs breakfast?

If they truly believe in the hereafter then there must be a whole lot of knee-knocking going on!!

Yes Mike, we all know that money is involved in trying to rectify the unrectifiable and money just might be mightier to the "church" than taking the righteous path and doing Gods work here on earth!!

Yours in humanity..........

Win Swinwood

There are very few things sweeter in life than reading anything Win has written when he puts his point of view to paper. I ask, should this man be retired, or heading the United Nations?
Thanks Win!
Yes, from the bountiful amount of articles literally pouring out of media these days, from all over the world, there seems to be a fast growing trend towards charging all current Cardinals and Bishops for complicity, with the future result of possible jail time.
One has to wonder how fast documents will pour out as soon as a few well known Cardinals and Bishops trade in their reds and purples for black and white stripes?!?! That day is NOT coming soon enough!
As busy as the Church Authority is working on covering up, we see the Attorney Generals busy at pushing for legislation to eliminate every Statute of Limitation and the right to arrest all current heads of every Church for maintaining the cover up status quo.
We see that in our own specific case, as the AC of C continues to ignore answering 10 SIMPLE questions for Bill Knight.
Will the Churches' document destroying save their skin? The cartoon in the right margin says it all when the Bishop says to his administrative assistant, "The children knew".
When the sexual abuse shit really hits the proverbial fan, there will probably be 100's of thousands of witnesses, as they shed their cloaks of shame and come forward with their testimonies.
Guess they never read Revelation 22: 18 and 19 ... !!
Thank you to ALL the Bill Knights who have been the real force to make this change, for past generations saw, spoke and heard no evil!
How many of today's children are being spared because of the "Bill Knights"? Let's get even louder!
And let's not forget Moe's tenacity!


Winston could not have been more correct or more to the point.
When he puts pen to paper he has a unique talent and extremely incisive style that is his alone.
Keep it coming Win.
Bill Knight