These sufferers of perverted priest abuse are spread across Canada, bathed for decades in cloaks of guilt and shame, lives detroyed ... while Bockus was honoured with 'Canon', given a new home, new salary and all the perks.
IN GOD'S NAME, what the hell is this?
This is sickening, that is what it is.
The Anglican Church of Church steadfastly continues to drag its feet, citing they don't allow pedophile priests anymore.
What kind of a crap explanation is that to give to a Victim! How frikkin' insulting! This was given to a Victim by the Primate himself!
POLL #8: To support Victims ignored by the Church, should Anglicans leave their Church?
In our opinion, it is time to form a solidarity with our sexually abused Victims.
Until the Anglican Church of Canada accepts FULL responsibility, every Anglican should walk away from their Church.
Be assured, once those collection plates remain empty every Sunday, there will be a turnaround in Toronto and the Victims will start getting the professional assistance they have seeked for decades.
What about elsewhere? Are the faithful now leaving their Churches disgusted with the sexual abuse problem?
Damn right they are and rightly so!
Read this:
Australian National News,
December 2, 2006