Dr. Rowan Williams,
104th Archbishop of Canterbury and the leader of the Anglican Church
Get real!
It is something you will forever long for, considering the devastation your Church has made on its innocent children.
Moreover, the Church has built a reputation of shepherding pedophile priests from Diocese to Diocese and NOT actively searching out their Victims, ensuring they receive professional counseling.
That practice has helped to drive away the congregations.
In Canada, there is still no National Drive by the Church in search of the Victims.
In Canada, just where are the files of all these suspected priests?
The deception will keep the flock away.
Dr. Williams, if you wish to leave a legacy, clean up your Church's sexual mess!
It is not only in Canada. Check the Church of England, Episcopal Church and Anglican Churches worldwide.
You lead a worldwide organization with a rotten, stinking foundation, having destroyed the lives of an untold number of children through the sexual perverted malpractice of too many of your priests.
The lambs have run from the pen.