Last night a Division 1, NCAA scout came to watch my 16 year old hockey goalie son in our little Ontario town. I'm sure you can imagine the euphoria when I walked in the door last night, knowing my son could be "set for life" if that opportunity plays out.
That elation was smashed to bits when I read an E-mail that had come in while we were at the game.
It was from Chris Ross of GPK.
His mother, Maureen "Moe" Holden, is on life support.
Yes, OUR "Moe".
Know that our firebrand Moe would tear a strip off my back relaying this information. That is Moe.
But Moe has forgiven me on many occasions, so I'll take her wrath on this one too.
As big an A as her personality is, give Maureen a huge capital P for private as well.
This year she has hid her fight with a recurrence of cancer from everybody, to the point I have lost track of the "Where's Moe" E-mails.
Chris writes, "My mum is presently on life support at the hospital. I don't expect that she will be coming home and soon I will be faced with making a decision I really don't want.
"I wanted you guys to know how much you meant to my mum, and not leave you hanging if you don't get any replies from her. I don't think I've found all of her friends so I would really appreciate it if you guys could send this to anyone else that might care to know, or might share some of what was going through my mums mind these past months.
I know how much the computer is important to my mum, and how much she enjoyed talking with you guys."
Chris, Moe has dozens of friends but because of her unfailing work behind the scenes for three years, that should soon number in the thousands.
This is why.
This will REALLY turn up the heat from Moe. Will she EVER forgive me for telling you this one!
You all know the history of the GPK blog. I started it to bring us all back together.
Naive me thought I had grown up in an idyllic, candy-coated little town on Montreal's South Shore. Ya, right!
Moe was the whistle-blower, shattering my peaches and cream world, telling me that Father Bockus was a pedophile and had destroyed the lives of many children forever, stealing their innocence with his perverted, immoral acts. His sick, selfish, sexual, self-satisfying destruction with Greenfield Park children included some of my classmates.
In strict confidence that I will never break, Moe gave me many names, most which will be "Anonymous" to you forever.
Destroyed lives have just started on their long road of healing because of Moe.
Because of Moe I will keep going, from coast to coast, seaching out every Victim I can.
Last week I was on the phone with a very weepy Moe. You cannot believe her elation on how much our fight to help the Victims has progressed. Moe still insisted that I tell no one of her fight with cancer and horrible treatments.
From Day One Moe said, "Mike, please make sure the Town brings down that damned Bockus sign. I see it every day and that really makes me sick" We will Moe, we will.
Moe, we are championing this cause because you had the guts to not only come out with the Truth after half a century, but also to keep kicking my butt behind the scenes all these years, as we "peeled the onion".
Over the last three years there have been innumerable times we have exchanged many dozen E's a day working on the case. Typing frustrates me to no end and I'd eventually give up, call her long distance, and we would continue to discuss strategy for an hour more.
Moe, you have a lot of friends, many of them Victims, praying for you today, thanking you for your convictions.
Many will find peace and grace in their lifetimes because of you Maureen "Moe" Holden the fighter, a behind the scenes fighter who has done more for many GPKers than most.
Thinking out loud, maybe too loud, perhaps Bockus Street should be Maureen Street ......
Please EVERYBODY, pray for Moe!
Moe was the only person from my old Greenfield Park days who knew I had worked for over a decade to teach the unbelieveably rich World of Golf how to tax themselves millions of dollars a year, which was pennies on every sale, in the hopes to fund a cure for cancer, all lost when my firm was embezzled by a white collar crook for half a million. She had spent months listening to my Business Plan, ten years in the planning; then every detail of my case.
Moe gave me the time of day. It was her thanks to me for blogging hours every day for GPK.
The RCMP blew the white-collar investigation, 300 MPs in Ottawa refused to investigate.
The evidence, never looked at by the RCMP, remains in hiding!
It was Moe who suggested how wonderful it would be to rally GPK, getting a little Town behind me, forcing our MPs to see the Truth, with the result that once again, my Pinny campaign would recover and raise millions of dollars per annun for cancer. Afterall, I had worked full time for almost 2 years bringing them all back together .....
Maybe one day Moe! Maybe one day ..... You ARE the best Kiddo.
Life. What is it all about?
Maureen is in our prayers.
Ken & Georgia
Our prayers are with Moe and her family everyday.
Barbara & George Hamilton
Moe is in our thoughts and prayers.
It is only because of Moe’s fortitude that we have progressed to where we are at this point.
She is a rock!
Bill and Judy Knight
I too received the devastating e-mail from Chris this morning and I could not believe what I was reading. Just a few weeks ago, we spoke about getting together for a coffee. She told me at that point that she was having good days and bad days with her illness. She sounded more positive than she had in months. I am just stunned with this news, words cannot express.
For sure dear Moe is in my prayers…
You probably don’t recognize this e-mail address as I am at my sister’s in Kingston. I came down to see my Dad who is also terminally ill with that damned disease, cancer. I will try to check in often.
Sue LP
My prayers are with dear Maureen and all her family.
I am also shocked by this very, very sad news.
Denise (Houle) Evola