Dear All,
Unfortunately, the news is not good.
Probably this evening, we are losing a friend and a Champion to all the Victims who will benefit from Moe's fierce determination to see a grievous wrong righted, and the incredible tenacity to keep pushing for their rights.
Moe’s lifelong GPK friend, Lynda Tedd, now in Manitoba, called the Charles Lemoyne Hospital this morning, spoke to Wayne, Moe’s husband, and has relayed this information, for all who are anxiously waiting word.
Moe is on a respirator, awaiting the arrival of all her family. Moe was revived after passing away twice. At one point she had been without oxygen for a ten minute period, so there is no possibility of return. Moe had stipulated DNR, so the resuscitation equipment will be removed once she is surrounded by all her kin, probably tonight, (November 16th). She will be administered sedatives and then Moe the Champion will pass peacefully.
Absolutely no one knew, including her husband and son, that cancer had fully invaded Moe’s lungs and lymph nodes. That is how private our Moe was. On the phone last week she told me it had been reduced after treatment.
As I write, I keep thinking over and over of a verse from Matthew, “Come unto me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Moe is about to find her rest.
Condolences can be sent to her husband
Wayne Gariepy
128 John
Greenfield Park, QC J4V 2N8
And her son
Chris Ross
125 John
same code
Moe stayed hard on my butt for three years to reach the point we have. Let's keep going, making sure her dream and goal, that all Victims of child abuse everywhere be eliminated, starting with the healing of all her GPK friends, then on and on and on .....
She lived long enough to see the Anglican Church admit Bockus abused GPK children. After half a century!!!! Moe heard the Truth. That is so powerful in my heart tonight you cannot believe how I feel. Moe did not let it die; to be swept under a rug forever.
Moe will live in all of our hearts forever.