Hi Mike,
You know this just is another nail in the coffin for organized religion.
I am getting so fed up with all of them. I have heard of so many people leaving the Churches they attended.
It does not matter what denomination.
To admit guilt or help victims opens up a can of worms, lawsuits etc.
They are hiding behind the covers. It will not change. I feel very disillusioned, disgusted with them.
They are supposed to be teaching Christianity.
They VICTIMS have no rights . They have lost so much.
The perpetrators win, criminals win.
What a pile of SH_T!!!!!I
What other retribution do the VICTIMS have?
You know Mike, I love God and I pray to Him and confess to Him.
I don't need those priests.
If you are worked up now, then you better fasten your seat belt!
Moe and I worked on this case for three years and believe me, you have only seen the tip of the St. Paul's iceberg.
There are more Impact Statements from GPKers to be released; Statements so rough I had to drop the investigation for a few months. It made me that sick to my stomach.
Going back personally several decades, I sat every week in the choir at St Mark's Anglican Church. One of my favourite passages that our priest delivered so eloquently during the Holy Eucharist every week, (so I heard it like EVERY Anglican hundreds of times), is " .... Love thy neighbour .... on these two commandments hang ALL the laws and the prophets."
Love thy neighbour.
That's above "ALL the laws", meaning loving your neighbour is as holy as God asks.
You tell me, has the Primate shown love for his neighbours, the congregations that were, as little innocent minors, raped by his Churches' priests?
Crown me the Archbishop of Canada and you could bet your holy wafers you'd see action that would make file drawers spin!
If I was the Primate, there would be ACTION taken, to hell with the cost.
Hey, next election, please give me that job: if I can believe in a God millions of years old with no evidence, then for St. Pete's sake, I can believe hundreds of Victims in cases only decades old. Bottom line: I'd find the frikkin' evidence!
Is ignoring an untold number of Victims really loving your neighbour?
The Anglican Church of Canada professes God's word in thousands of Churches across Canada every week, yet when it comes to loving their own neighbours, their own little children who were buggered by their priests, they spit them out, choosing to protect the priests, and evidently destroy their files, because they claim nothing can be proved.
(Man, I can hear those holy shredders from here!)
What could be easier to prove than simply going to Bockus' file, containing Bishop Maguire's note, "relieved from St. Paul's Church for molesting their children". Forget it, tried it ... the archives in New Brunswick mysteriously have no file for Bockus.
Surprise. Surprise. Surprise.