It SURE did more than reunite old friends!
So much pain had been inflicted on so many of you, for so many years, because of Bockus' perversion that many of you started to confide in me. (Through it all, you cannot imagine how powerful it is when so many Victims entrusted decades-old secrets and internal pain with me.)
This was my first attempt to let other Victims, still harbouring their shame and guilt alone, to find that elusive grace.
The message has not changed one iota, but since many more Victims have come forward, I wish to reprint it: may all of you see yourselves as the stained glass window!
This is not a “Fun Thing”, (and this site is NOT about to become an advise column!), but I am compelled to touch on it, because I have been shocked by TOO MANY revelations of things past in GPK.
No, I am NOT a specialist in the field by any stretch of the imagination, but know I understand the loss of innocence too early.
Bartenders and barbers/hairdressers have always been known to be repositories of people’s life troubles. Well, now you can add webmaster to that!
Once someone’s innocence is taken at a young age, it can never be given back. I am talking about abuse of any kind at a young age, in the house or outside, sexual, physical or mental. None of it was right and you DID NOT/DO NOT DESERVE IT!
Books and books have been written on abuse, but let me dare summarize it from the standpoint of the many who have opened to me: there are too many now into their later years still carrying these burdens. It has manifested in lack of trust, meaning broken relationships, etc.: the whole gamut of serious problems that result. In fact you have carried guilt for what was wrought AGAINST YOU!
Many of you have shared this shame with me in confidence, wanting relief, DECADES after being victimized.
I want to virtually hug these people who finally open up to me after decades of silence, telling me about their withheld inner tortures. I have no formal training, but as a friend, new or old, I feel confident in stepping up to give words of solace, and suggesting a direction for help.
My cousin gave me a beautiful analogy and if you were/are a victim, holding it in, perhaps this touches you. She said you should picture yourself as a stained glass window. Such a window was once in pieces but has been put together and is now something beautiful.
I have exchanged letters and phone calls with many of you and you ARE holding it in. STOP THE INTERNALIZING NOW! Please seek professional help and counseling of some kind! Much of it is free. There is much you CAN do.
You deserve it and to enjoy peace of mind.