
This is What Great Britain is Doing

Jim Gamble
Chief Executive
Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre

Jim Gamble's Message
Child sexual abuse is one of the most horrific crimes, if not the worst. It attacks the most vulnerable people in our society, affects victims for life and rips away significant chunks from their most informative years.
Yet for many it is a crime that stays hidden away. Indeed the human mind often finds it difficult to cope with the issue and minimizes the emotional impact so that people find it easier to manage the consequences.
But we ignore this threat at our peril. That is not saying we fully expose this often hidden world for all to see but instead take a very measured, intelligence driven approach that tracks the perpetrators, supports the victims and minimizes the risk to the wider majority.
The creation of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre encapsulates that approach. We are saying enough is enough and from the start realize that law enforcement cannot and must not work alone.
Partnership is fundamental to our approach. For the first time in one organization, law enforcement officers sit alongside specialists from children's charities, education, government, business partners and other interested groups.
What we are delivering is unique in the UK. A totally holistic approach that will protect, enforce and educate and that through national and international channels will work to deliver one key clear message - safety first.
If you are a child or young person using the internet then you have a right to feel secure. Certain necessary steps will safeguard your online experience and we will deliver those measures. If you are a parent then you similarly need to feel secure in the knowledge that your family can use the internet in a safe manner. It is these people we are looking to reach.
At the same time we are about signposting victims of child sexual abuse to sources of help, advice and support and looking to understand more fully the manner in which the abuse occurred in order to enhance our knowledge and response.
And of course we are tracking the perpetrators - online or in the more usual offline environments. Our message is this: if you are an offender then get help because you will be caught at some stage. With new powers, new approaches and joined up responses we will maximize our impact in this crime area.
So let's be clear. Child sexual abuse is a crime that affects so many. We have provided the focus here in the UK for tackling this horrendous threat and our task now is to stay that vital one step ahead of the offender. We will work to do that in any way and all ways possible.

Home Page

Recent Work & Results:
BBC: Missing paedophiles named online
BBC: Sex offender surrenders to police

CEOP’s Five Key Objectives:
1) To identify, locate and protect, children and young people from sexual exploitation and online abuse - both in the UK and globally;
2) To engage and empower children, young people, parents and the community through information and education;
3) To protect children and young people through the provision of specialist information and support to professionals, families, industry and the community;
4) To enforce the law by bringing offenders to justice and acting to disrupt and deter future offending; and
5) To enhance existing responses to the sexual exploitation and online abuse of children and young people by developing a safer by design online environment and refining the management of offenders.